This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Saturday Satsang

 Hari OM

Some words from the MasterSwami Chinmayanandaji was a renowned saint. 

Once, a 'secular' minded journalist, who generally showed Hinduism in poor light, vis a vis other religions, asked a question to Swamiji:

Q: Who is the founder of Islam?
A: Prophet Mohammad.
Q: Who is the founder of Christianity?
A: Jesus Christ.
Q: Who is the founder of Hinduism?

Thinking that Swamiji has no answer,
the lady journalist proceeded: There is no
founder and hence, Hinduism is not a religion or Dharma at all.

A: Then, Swamiji said: You are right. Hinduism is not a religion. It is a Science.

She did not understand that.

Swamiji put some more questions to her.
Q: Who is the founder of Physics?
A: No one person.
Q: Who is the founder of Chemistry?
A: No one person.
Q: Who is the founder of Biology?
A: No single person. Many many persons, from time to time, contributed to the wealth of knowledge of any Science.

Swamiji continued:
Hindu Dharma is a Science, developed over the centuries, contributed by saints and sages for giving the right direction to society. Islam has only one book -Quran. Christianity has only one book -Bible. But for Hinduism, I can take you to a library and show you hundreds of books.
Hence, Hinduism is a scientific religion- called Sanatana Dharma - Eternal Dharma.


  1. You're still writing too! That is so interesting. I like to borrow parts of other religions, and I find it fascinating how you can do meditation but still be Christian. As a Christian and I know some Muslims would say the same, I know that is not entirely accurate. LOL. At least some Muslims think Islam is the "original religion" and the Qu'ran just a final expression. I think many Christians tend to think the same. But in that case, maybe Hinduism is also an expression of the divine! And then some Hindu believers might say "we said it first" but did they really? ;-) It's all in good fun.

    In that case, maybe we none of us have Just One Book after all! We all have so much so much to learn from all our books. Deep thoughts. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hari OM
      I have three blogs, Anne - and post everyday. This is part of my own personal discipline. Ultimately any philosophical stance must serve us in daily life and is entirely personal.

      The point made by Gurudev is that there is no claim of being the only one or the originator of thought... Sanatana Dharma (and Advaitic understanding) arises from intellectual pursuit of many people over many years.

      Meditation is entirely secular. It is fair to say that it is in India that it has been analysed and practiced to its highest level, but it is not 'religious, neither does it require one have a religious faith.

      Any who claim their's is the 'only path' is immediatly shutting the door upon their own progression. Yxx

  2. Indeed, Hinduism is a way of life. Not many understand that.

    1. Hari OM
      Quite - and it is so often the case that many will point and snigger or deride without truly knowing a thing - no matter their educational standing... Yxx
