This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Words Beginning With... F

Phapharaayat - darting to and fro
(the aspirated 'p' is closest to 'f' as in 'photo')

Feeling Frayed???

We all have times in our lives, within each day, where we feel a little out of control, turning in circles or darting to and fro. Usually, the best thing to do is say STOP! Take a breath, step back, do something entirely different and then return refreshed and ready for the fray again…

We need to stop 'Faffing'! Stop and smell the Flowers...


  1. Mm, that is definitely me sometimes. I am reading a book about mindfulness and was trying to meditate and thinking how much harder this is now that I'm older and more set in my Always Busy ways. I don't even want to say how long I sat for but it was ... very brief and then I couldn't. I definitely need a mental adjustment! I keep saying I will set up a definite meditation practice and then not. Maybe this time! Either way, even brief mindfulness is better than none at all!
    Thanks for sharing this,

    1. Hari Om
      I do hope that, after April, you will continue to read here, Anne - I have a sense that your seeking is akin to my own at an earlier stage in life and would like to think you will find much here to bolster your search! Yxx

  2. This made me chuckle.
    Fatafat (phataphat) comes to mind and furtive too (from your other post). Fab solution--flowers--always, always.

  3. A very wise admonishment, and well worth following.

  4. Yes, pause and smell the flowers! So, true!
