This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Freedom Friday

Hari OM

This is the day of the week where it may be decided not to post. A day of freedom from writing, from thinking... well, maybe not the latter. 

Most faith traditions hold up a 'day of rest' or 'sabbath'. There is no such thing in the Hindu week - for every day is sacred! The need for rest and respite is fully recognised, however, and one of the things that needs to be achieved in my own saadhana is the self-permission to NOT do something as much as to keep doing lots. 

Therefore, if something of interest or value arises that doesn't fit into the theme of each of the other days on this blog, it may well appear here. On the other hand, we all may be relieved that I choose to remain silent. Randomness provides freedom and I embrace that!


  1. I can feel the difference on a Sunday morning! I guess it's partly psychological (the thought it's a holiday) and partly it's also the absence of ambient sounds of vehicles etc. And that feeling calmness is quite relaxing.

    1. Hari OM
      True, with the modern, international, working week Sunday has become a 'day of rest' for many; in religious/spiritual terms though, there is no day in Hinduism that is specified as 'sabbath'. I really like that - for not only does it mean we can find something sacred in each and every day - but we can also find the solace and restoration therein! Yxx
