This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Meditative Monday

Hari OM

It can be a challenge, this meditation business. It is easy to get the impression we are 'getting it' without realising that we have barely begun. 

The first challenge is to ignore everything outside of that one dedicated focus of OM for even as much as fifteen minutes. Practice that every day. Fifteen minutes alone with OM. This itself can take what seems an eternity to achieve. 

The phone rings. We dial the phone. The dishes from lunch are yet to be washed. There is ironing to do... Oh, how that monkey mind seeks to draw us away from our alone time with OM. 

Fifteen minutes alone with OM. That's all that is asked...


  1. Hi Yam,
    I've fallen off the blogging wagon. I ran out of things to say every day leading to guilt feelings when I thought of it. I think this is awesome, how you share every day. I'm sure this discipline helps that discipline and vice versa. Hope you have a great rest of the week.
