This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Whispering Wednesday

Hari OM

I was struck by the adjustment to the Olympic motto. To "Faster, Higher, Stronger" has now been added, "Together." In a lengthy speech, the IOC president wanted us to understand that had it not been for a unity of vision, the games this year might still not have happened. Not vision alone, but passion and the will to make it happen. The onus fell to Japan to produce the venues and infrastructure, but all the nations involved had to play their part.

The one word in English represents all the different threads and effort expended. It is used to measure the collective nature of that effort. 

This is one of those things that are important in a world that, in other respects, seems to be breaking into ever-smaller factions. Nothing of any great note can happen unless there is communication, sharing, participation and reciprocation in all actions. Sanskrit, of course, has a few words to refer to aspects of what this one English word seeks to convey.

I like the second on that list - sangghatayati - from the same root that gives us satsanga. The gathering of folk as a community, to mingle with others of like-interest and with a view to strive for improvement. To reach for 'personal bests' in whatever their particular field of play may be. 

In Advaita, we strive for the 'gold medal' of moksha. In the process, though, we must deal with life and to do that best, we are also best to surround ourselves with peers and helpers who appreciate that goal - even if they do not necessarily understand it themselves. We need to bring together all our true friends, our teachers, our fellow seekers. Then 'sahita' - together with them, we can debate, work our sadhana, enjoy being supported and supporting in return. We form a spiritual team.

Of course, as in sports, there are some of us who must tread a slightly more solitary path - but even that has to start from a place of nourishment and safety - a place to which we can return to restore ourselves as we forge ahead. We might be able to progress faster, reach higher and have stronger spiritual ability than others around us - but we cannot achieve that without our support team. Together with them we might - just possibly - attain the gold.


  1. Yes, I too noticed that addition to the famous Olympics motto ... Ya, even someone who is on a solitary track, needs support, inspiration etc. That might come from anywhere, need not necessarily be from a human being. Probably a thought, a faith, a belief ...
