This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Thursday Thoughts

Hari OM

Living more with less. Have you ever given it a thought? Somehow we have landed ourselves in a pool of 'stuffness'. This is a society that exists for ownership of stuff, stuff and more stuff. 

There are plenty of places to research the cause and effect of consumerism and government economic policies and the power of capitalism. At an individual level, though, can we not take responsibility for what we consume? More and more, I do believe people are giving longer and deeper consideration to their footprint upon the earth, its ecology and environment. 

However, consider also that how we tread upon the earth, the garbage we create in whatever form reflects upon us, the individuals. Whether or not you subscribe to the concepts of karma, there is no question that we leave a legacy, even if that is just a drop in the ocean - after all, oceans exist precisely because there are so many drops! 

I have been engaged in recent times by watching (on the 'tubular') a variety of videos about folk taking to van life. Whether by choice or due to circumstance, there is a conscious decision among them to live as lightly and stuff-free as possible. Certainly, there is an economic benefit to them for this, but it shines out that there is also a lightness of spirit that comes upon them. Not that van life is ideal, and there are all sorts of issues and strategies that apply, which might not if resident in bricks and mortar. That is not my point here today, though. The point is, by releasing the need to encumber themselves with endless amounts of stuff, they are free to focus on those things that truly bring them a sense of joy. For example, simply engaging with nature more. Spending more time on hobbies and engaging in communities to a greater degree.

Can the same lift translate for those of us who are in static homes? No reason why not. The great decluttering movement is a part of that picture. What is important to understand, though, is that simply shedding stuff does not mean we have corrected our thinking. This is the difference between decluttering and surrendering stuff to enter van life. Hands up all who have done the declutter, only to find a year later that you're back in the same position? Stuff will just keep happening! Sometimes the biggest excuse we give ourselves is that the stuff we are accumulating is to help us in our spiritual life... what?! What does the spirit actually need???

We have to reset our thinking also. Learn exactly what is essential to everyday life. Allow, say, five things that are not essential but that do bring pleasure and uplift. Then determinate that all else must not enter. Some stuff may come temporarily but must then be passed on to another home. 

Van life enforces, encourages, encapsulates the very nature of the sadhu - to live more with less. Our challenge, we householders, is to do the same.

...or buy a van...

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