This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Saturday Satsang

Hari OM

All true artists, poets, literary persons and scientists come to apprehend the presence of a great rhythm in existence. This vague comprehension surprises some staggers a few and excites the curiosity of others.

Unfortunately, to the majority of us, this harmony is an accidental vision, an unpredicted divine visitation. Even when this harmony is felt, we know not how to persuade it to remain with us; it comes at its own sweet will, woos us for a moment, then like the buzzing courtiers of flowers, it leaves us to pine for its next visit.

The sages of the Upaniṣads have been the messengers of this inner harmony. They investigated it, observed its play, and systematised their knowledge into a subjective science, complete with its theoretic explanation and practical methods.

ʻThis deity of harmony itself seen manifested in all of the activities of the universe always dwells in the hearts of human beings as the supreme Self. Those who realise It through the immediate perception of the heart attain immortalityʼ roars the Upaniṣads.

This life of rhythm and joy is the goal of perfect living, the state of God-realisation which knows no fatigue, recognises no failure, perceives no discord. To discover this harmony, to live in attunement with it is to master life.

To live this divine life, one must end all spirit of antagonism with the outer world of things and beings. Hate none. Love all. With this love, you will conquer even the most brutal forces around you.

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