Hari OM
Pulling back the curtains early yesterday morning, the windows looked out upon thick, blanketing fog. The trees on the other side of the road were clear but beyond them was a mystery.
F is for faith. The very fact that the visible trees gave a measure of security and trust that things were as they always were. Although it was impossible to see beyond them, one retained the faith that the land extended far beyond that mysterious barrier. Faith that there was something more...
O is for outlook. The depth and strength of one's faith are determined to some degree by the outlook one has upon life. If one is prone to pessimism, seeing beyond the immediately visible can prove difficult. If one is optimistic, there might sometimes be a little recklessness in not considering the possibility that there might not be anything further to see beyond the visible. If there is a mental balance between these two things, it is possible to maintain faith through trust in the evidence presented plus a level of expectation.
G is for grounded. In taking that middle road in outlook, one doesn't risk the pitfall of the pessimist that even the visible is problematic and fearsome, and none of the idealism of the optimist that has one flying into fantasy. To be grounded is to appreciate exactly the environment of the moment but still have the facility to appreciate other possible environs.
... it's amazing what a little fog can do for one's thinking...
Nice! Faith is what leads us.