This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Meditative Monday

Hari OM

I gaze through the window. Thick fog is brightened in one small patch with the oranges and reds aflame in the leaves and berries of a Rowan. 

That becomes my focus. My breathing slows, deepens, and thoughts narrow, finding descriptions for the beauty before me. Internal praise in the ways of PrkRti, how Nature knows and accepts and moves along without complaint. Contemplation on remaining bright in the darkest of days, simply by being one's own true self. 

Tomorrow, it is possible the sun will shine, but the oranges and reds aflame in those leaves will remain as they are, untouched by the extremes of the environment. They will move through their phases at their own pace, and finally, those leaves will fall and become the nourishment for that from which they sprang.

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