This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Meditative Monday

Hari OM

The book I wish to mention to you today fits into the suggested reading posts after the Naarada Bhakti Sutra - but as it is specific to the subject of focus on Mondays, I felt it appropriate to shift it here!

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see why &*>

Yes, this is the ultimate book on the role of meditation in our lives and how best to get into the frame of mind for its practice. MEDITATION AND LIFE is a text that bears reading, then reading again - and again... I take it from its shelf at the start of each new year (hint hint).

If you do not want the physical book, then you can obtain it as an ebook (see the publications page for purchase places). This is one for everybody who has any intention of taking some proper and beneficial time out from life's onslaught. Go on, treat yourself. 'Tis the season...

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