This is part two of the adventures in Advaita Vedanta... will you travel with me a while?

Free Friday

Hari OM

A 'free' post of random comment has not been entered here since setting up this 'chapter two' of the Roaming Soul. 

I use it now to say that, for the time being, there will be no more posts here. It seems the readership from 'chapter one' has not migrated here. I greatly appreciate the four or five who do appear to visit - and am doubly grateful to the one or two who take time to comment occasionally! Of course, the sadhana of producing these posts is my own. Whether others make it theirs to read them is another thing entirely. I do not intend to delete the blogs, for even if only one person gains a single significance from them, then they have served a purpose.

However, for my side, it is necessary to consider effort versus outcomes. It happens that the 'journal blog,' Doses of Wild YAM, is serving quite well as a sadhana release as well as for general matters in life. The Sunday and Monday posts there are specific to my spiritual self, but anything else published there arises from that self and are therefore reflections of it. 

Therefore, as things stand at the moment, the efforts made for this blog are being put over to DoWY and this one will remain unedited for the foreseeable future. Part of the ebb and flow of life.

It only remains for me to wish all who do visit all the very best for 2022. As we move into what looks to be the third year of altered circumstances brought about by an invisible force, I pray that everyone remains safe, stays well and finds the fortune in the small things to bring smiles and contentment. 


Textual Tuesday

Hari Om

The schema of study devised at Chinmaya Mission is the subject of this post each week. To see all texts referred to, click the label below ("SuggtdReading")

JNAANASAARA is another of those tiny texts that pack a punch.

If you have read as per the listing presented, it will be slowly dawning that the entire premise of Advaita arises from the Upanishads - commonly said to be 108 in number, but of which some ten or eleven are deeply studied when approaching the subject.

Here, Guruji draws out the very kernel of Upanishadic teaching. In eighteen shlokas you will acquire a clear picture of those mountainous texts!

Meditative Monday

Hari OM

Of course, ultimately, meditation is about being free of all thoughts. It is a state of being and nothing else.

Reaching that state, however, in which we Realise our True Self and the Unity of All, requires of us that we go through all the preliminary stages. Meditation is a process of preparation to Become. It means letting go of all the detritus that has accrued in our personality and karma bank. This is why we require to learn the skill that is swadhyaya.

Now, as we approach the start of yet another year, rather than all sorts of resolutions, how about a simple promise to yourself simply to be yourself? Once that promise is made, the efforts will come in keeping it, honouring it... honouring Your Self...

Saturday Satsang

Hari OM

Today, only greetings as befits such a widely celebrated holy day...

Thursday Thoughts

Hari OM

CHRISTMAS; not surprising this is in my thoughts this week, is it? It is not incongruent that I celebrate this festival even as I profess to be an Advaitin. 

My spiritual awareness and yaatra began early with the vision of a man who called himself Yeshu. He has been my constant companion. He alone placed me in the care of Sri Rama and thus onto the path of Advaita. I grew to understand that His teachings were nothing short of Vedantic in their nature. That Yeshu clearly had this knowledge and brought it back to his own people in a form with which they could identify. 

The world has moved on. I do believe the world now can accept the teachings of Advaita without alteration. What is more, in learning this philosophy, one's original scriptures, be that the Bible, the Koran or the Torah, are opened up in the most unexpected ways.

Gurudev was once asked why he taught the sacred Sanskrit texts to those not of Hindu origin. His response?

"With this knowledge, they can become 

better Christians, Muslims, Jews..."

Whispering Wednesday

Hari Om

That which is us, but we have forgotten, just as the sparks from the fire think they burn alone... forgetting the flame that is their source. 

Textual Tuesday

Hari OM

The schema of study devised at Chinmaya Mission is the subject of this post each week. To see all texts referred to, click the label below ("SuggtdReading")

It was a delight to discover that this text is available for you on Archive dot Org. (Click that title!) In this (and in the second volume, which will be worth chasing up) you hear directly from Gurudev himself as he responds to letters from his devotees and students. 

Swamiji was a prolific writer with a distinctive 'hand' that had all the authority of his physical voice. Everyone who received one of his missives kept them and treasured them - which is why it was possible to produce these publications! Full of insights and practical pointers, these are a true delight.

Meditative Monday

Hari OM

The book I wish to mention to you today fits into the suggested reading posts after the Naarada Bhakti Sutra - but as it is specific to the subject of focus on Mondays, I felt it appropriate to shift it here!

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see why &*>

Yes, this is the ultimate book on the role of meditation in our lives and how best to get into the frame of mind for its practice. MEDITATION AND LIFE is a text that bears reading, then reading again - and again... I take it from its shelf at the start of each new year (hint hint).

If you do not want the physical book, then you can obtain it as an ebook (see the publications page for purchase places). This is one for everybody who has any intention of taking some proper and beneficial time out from life's onslaught. Go on, treat yourself. 'Tis the season...

Saturday Satsang

Hari OM

As we have been looking at Gurudev's pointers to saadhana, the first and the fifth bring us full circle... to the essential point that nothing can happen for the spiritual seeker unless efforts are made at understanding oneself. 

If we think that knowledge can land on rocky ground without kicking up a few stones or crashing into a few boulders, we'd be mistaken! 

That is why purification is also considered part of the process - not merely bathing (external cleanliness is practical and necessary not just for spiritual life), but cleansing our thoughts and habits and motives. We have to take that 'long hard look' at ourselves...

Thursday Thoughts

Hari OM

Having taken us from thinking deeply and appropriately to acting selflessly in the world, then to imagine our Divinity and understand what that Divinity truly is... the fifth step of saadhana as offered here by Gurudev, is to continue with our prayers and thinking each and every day. 

Practice makes perfect!!!

Whispering Wednesday

Hari Om

Bhakti (see last week) and jnaanam are the two wings upon which the spiritual seeker can take flight. It takes devotion and dedication to obtain and retain the Knowledge... and in obtaining that Knowledge, it is impossible not to feel bhakti. 

Let not vain intellectual hubris take over in that gaining of Knowledge. Do not fall into hapless, circular arguments. This knowledge is for oneself only... in order to rise to One Self...

Textual Tuesday

Hari Om

The schema of study devised at Chinmaya Mission is the subject of this post each week. To see all texts referred to, click the label below ("SuggtdReading")

Next Monday you will see the next book on the study list as such. However, today, let us look at some reading that is not specific to the course in Vedanta but does have all the hallmarks of the philosophy in practice. 

HYMN TO BADRINATH is a most beautifully written book in praise of this place of pilgrimage.

Swami Tapovanam was Gurudev's guru and, therefore, the 'grandfather guru' of all who have studied at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya. 

His sojourns in the Himalayas were the source of great inspiration to this Mahatma and his skill at conveying the ambience, the spiritual boons to be gained from visiting and viewing the area - well, they are second to none! This is one for any who feels their spirit rise when sitting in a landscape of such beauty. 

Meditative Monday

Hari OM

Why place this here? Simply because this is the essence of meditation. To take into oneself the understanding gained from each exposure to the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and to build upon it, turn it around in one's own light of experience and compare and contrast and negate, deconstruct... this is mananam, which is a key approach to entering niddidhyaasanam - the meditative state.

Saturday Satsang

Hari Om

In learning the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta we are constantly reminded that there are exercises to be carried out in order to manifest the reality of its benefits. 

Saadhana has many elements and is, therefore, an area of discovery all its own! Essential to the whole process, though, is that there is the fundamental desire to evolve as a spiritual being. There is little point in thinking, 'oh that looks like a good club, let me join it and make friends and see where it takes me!' This may work for a hobby or two, but for self-development, no matter that there is a group from which one might draw support and comfort, it is up to each and every individual to make the efforts for betterment and gaining skill.

To take on the spiritual life is to commit oneself to drop all that is unrequired in our personality. It will challenge the ego within and shake up our thinking. If we are unprepared, it can cause us anguish and pain. We are better not to start than risk this danger. 

If, though, we commit and let the exercises, the lessons, the saadhana do their work... then, just maybe, there can be magic!

Thursday Thoughts

Hari OM

As an adjunct to knowing and accepting the possibility of one's own Divinity, the next step is to appreciate That Brahman is Me.

This pertains to the four great statements;
Consciousness Is
The Self is Consciousness
That Consciousness You Are

Whispering Wednesday

Hari Om

Anyone seeking to improve spiritually must have the two wings to rise with - the devotion, and the knowledge. Devotion does not mean slavish and ritualistic behaviour. A true bhakta has a full understanding of that to which they surrender. Thus the decision to do so is from their true heart and not merely an act to curry external favour. 

Do not be one who waves the lamp or throws the flowers only during festivals and before the eyes of others. Bhakti is within and is best expressed within, by the surrender of your heart to the object of devotion. It manifests as selfless and quiet service to all around you.

Textual Tuesday

Hari Om

The schema of study devised at Chinmaya Mission is the subject of this post each week. To see all texts referred to, click the label below ("SuggtdReading")

Now we come to an essential text in terms of balancing life with philosophy. The bridge between the two is a matter of devotion to the spirit. For this, we are given the most wonderful, lyrical text of -

This is the text of Love, with the capital 'ell!' Here we are introduced to the idea of Transcendentalism; the ability to rise above the mundanities of life and live in a state of divinity. Is it possible to live in a state of bliss when faced with the trials and tribulations of the world?  This text, purported to have been spoken aloud by the great sage, Naarada, declares a resounding "YES!" in answer to that question. What is more, it gives pointers as to how this can be achieved.

Of course, it all comes down to the level of devotion one can fund within oneself...

Saturday Satsang

Hari Om

On Thursdays, for a short while, there is a focus on five steps in saadhana as given by Gurudev. They seem strict. However, any serious seeker surely needs to develop the sort of discipline they imply. 

That said, there is nothing sadistic about the endeavour and one must not be masochistic about it. These words from Gurudev also apply!

To move too fast, or to keep moving even when a step has faltered and to not pay appropriate attention to correcting it, can result in a fall, a tumble, a collapse... find your saadhana rhythm, the natural flow which permits your growth but does not interfere with proper inculcation, nor with attending to those externalities that must be attended in life.

Thursday Thoughts

Hari Om

Again we are reminded - make everything we think, say or do intentional to spiritual rise!

Even if you daydream, let those wishes be related to self-improvement and spiritual gain.

Understand that you are Divine!!!

Whispering Wednesday

Hari Om

In a philosophy that advocates capital 'ell' Love, it should not surprise that a manifestation of that Love is empathy and compassion. That is the essence of KARUNAA. Some of us are blessed with such understanding for others from birth. Others of us have to learn the skill. Some betray it... be not one of those.